Communication and Stigma Reduction Team

The Communication and Stigma Reduction Team is comprised of BHRS and HHS public health media specialists. The focus of this Team is to implement campaigns that promote awareness and education for suicidality, mental health, or substance use recovery in our County. In this process, a key priority of campaigns is to reduce stigma and resource community members to supportive services. 

Campaigns are commonly disseminated during September Suicide Prevention and Recovery Month, May Mental Health month, and Refining Strength.  In 2024, a 988 county-wide campaign to raise awareness of this life saving resource in our community.  Our campaigns utilize a combination of diverse strategies, including digital video, social media, print/digital advertisements, radio, and newsletters.

Throughout the year, communication and outreach materials are disseminated from Each Mind Matters and Take Action for Mental Health. Examples of materials follow below.

Meeting Notes and Agendas